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A shift.

A shift.

We are  at a point in time when we are realising how important it is for the human spirit to feel free.  


Ooof what a few months it's been.

I hope you're safe and well. 


I'll be honest and say that the last month hasn't been easy. The lockdown has been weighing on me and all I've wanted to do is to be out in the world finding new things, meeting people and exploring. I've hated waking up and knowing that I'll be spending the entire day working indoors and peering out the window. That's why I'm glad it's almost over. We're now seeing shops and schools re-open, more cars on the road and we'll see more people out in the world visiting museums, going to the park, eating at restaurants and having a good summer. Granted it won't be the same with the restrictions, but I'm grateful that we'll be able to spend time with those we love and make the most of what we have left of the year. 


The last few weeks have been particularly heavy due to the death of George Floyd. As a result, Black Lives Matter protests have been taking place globally against years  of racial discrimination and police brutality. We have been asked to look inward as well as look at our social circles including family, friends and our community and ask ourselves what part we have played in racism against black people. We have been asked to speak up, to question, to educate ourselves and to share our knowledge with those around us because that's the most effective way we can break the cycle, change views and opinions that we have been conditioned to believe for generations. 
I hope that we never stop doing this, not only in terms of race but including all those things we blindly follow through with just because that's what has always been done or believed. We have to heal ourselves inside and out, and that can only happen when we are willing to question and confront the status quo. 

I attended the protests in London and it was incredible to see the thousands that turned up demanding a change for black lives despite being in the middle of a pandemic. It was strong, beautiful and humbling to witness. I hope we continue to do the work and hold people accountable so that our children, and our children's children will be able to experience and live in a more just and equal society than the one we are. It is our personal responsibility to make this happen for those that will come after us.  


All this time indoors has allowed me to experiment a lot more with my oil paints. I've been practising with still life and I've been finding real pleasure in seeing progress in my brush work and my general understanding of the medium. I've appreciated having something to focus on during lockdown because my need for exploration and adventure has been almost entirely limited. My brushes have been my saviour in that they have allowed me to set my sight on new things and mentally escape everything that is going on. 

It's not always easy creating and putting your work out there. It takes courage and a certain amount of vulnerability, but nevertheless this time has made me realise why coming back and doing it again and again is so important for me and my body. So I just want to take this moment to say thank you for supporting me. Although my journey started off with islamic art you'll have seen from my instagram that my focus has taken me on a different route especially in the past year. Islamic art will always be a form that I admire and respect and I plan on coming back to it in the future perhaps with a slightly different method than the way I was trained in. For now, my heart tells me that I have to grow as an artist and I see it as a responsibility not only to myself but to the world that I should follow it and what it is calling me to do. Given this change, I wanted to say thank you and that I appreciate your support and interest in my growth on this path, despite the change in form. 

Lots of love,

'You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.'

Malcolm X.

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Leaving home

Leaving home

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